if you want to know why I’m named that, ask my parents I forgot the story


Hi I’m Reyden

The majority of my work lies in the scripts I’ve written for brands like Tito’s Vodka, Duck Tape, and Roto Rooter.

I have a cat named Gargoyle and watch a movie every morning before work...

Once a month, I spend a day making new playlists. Weekly, I am writing out new adventures for my DnD group. Daily, I am getting all my thoughts out on paper, and color coding them with my four color pen (because they aren’t all home runs, but maybe there’s something there).

In the real world, I am a copywriting cat dad who uses his ADHD to gamify working out (ooo tracking numbers is so fun), and have recently gotten over my fear of flying. It was so bad. I would be sitting coach, just meditating and accepting that I could die and couldn’t do a thing about it.

Anyways, thank you for reading and if you want to know if I actually held a record on Sunshine Airport in Mariokart 8, hit me up.

Rosaline Tan (former Strategy Lead W&K, 72&sunny, and Critiquer for my college portfolio review)

“You scare me, but in a lot of good ways”

Kelly Weis (Mom)

“He needs to schedule an eye doctor appointment but is scared of getting his eyes dilated.”